About The Meetings Industry Fund

A helping hand for meetings professionals when they need help the most, The Meetings Industry Fund was founded to provide financial assistance during times of crisis like a disaster, medical illness, or an emergency.

Everyone can help make a difference for those in crisis!

Board of Directors

Martin (Marty) Balogh

Martin (Marty) Balogh

Retired - Associate Executive Director, Meetings and Travel Group, American Bar Association

After many years of a rewarding career in the meeting industry, it is a honor to give back to the profession.

Liz Dane

Liz Dane

Regional Director - Mid Atlantic, Visit St. Pete/Clearwater

It is nothing but an honor to help those wonderful people in our industry that are in need.

Walter (Walt) E. Galanty, Jr.

Walter (Walt) E. Galanty, Jr.

President, AIM Meetings and Events

All of us, at some time, need a helping hand. The anonymity of the MIF allows us to give back without embarrassing anyone in their time of need.”

Cheryl Jamall

Cheryl Jamall

Chief Experience Officer, ACJ Meetings & Events

“I have been blessed throughout my career in the meetings & hospitality industry and am honored to continue helping others in their time of need thru the MIF. ‘Remember, the hardest thing you do every day is wake up.’ “

Anissa L. Ladd, CASE, DES

Anissa L. Ladd, CASE, DES

Director of Sales, Go Providence

“It is an honor and a privilege to give back to the meeting industry through The Meetings Industry Fund. Too many need a helping hand to get through a crisis and we should be there for each other in the good and the bad.”

Jennifer Needham

Jennifer Needham

National Account Manager - Midwest, Travel Portland

“I am honored to serve on the board of an organization which embodies the true spirit of hospitality. Giving back to those who have dedicated their careers to our industry is truly a gift.”

Brannon Osuba

Brannon Osuba

Business Development Director, Freeman

“Vantage point is the prerequisite to perception. What an honor to be able to give back to an industry that is built on relationships and amazing people.” 

Jim Perrin

Jim Perrin

Regional Vice President, ALHI (Associated Luxury Hotels International)

“So many people have blessed me with mentorship and knowledge that has gotten me to the point of my career where I assist those in their hour of need.”

Regina Rink

Regina Rink

Sales Director, Destination Toronto

“It’s important to me to try to make a difference by giving back as much as possible. I’m looking forward to helping those in our amazing industry who need help.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Who qualifies for assistance?

Individuals who are directly involved in the planning, execution, delivery and support of meetings.

How do I apply? 

Applying is easy. Simply fill out this form. We will contact you within 24 hours and provide an answer shortly thereafter. 

How much can I ask for? 

Funds granted will be assessed and based on each individual situation and available resources.

What kinds of things are covered? 

A situation that is causing you a financial crisis involving basic living necessities. We will generally approve requests that involve your ability to put food on your table and a roof over your head. Read some of our grant stories.

Who approves an application?

The Board of The Meetings Industry Fund reviews and judges each application based on the criteria established in our bylaws. All applications remain anonymous during this application process.

Do I have to pay the fund back? 

There is no requirement to pay the Fund back. However the Fund’s ability to help others depends on having the resources to do that. If and when you are able to do so, a donation back to the Fund of any amount would be greatly appreciated.

Is my information kept private? 

Your information will be kept in the strictest confidence. Your information will be kept anonymous unless you provide us with explicit permission. Also, if you prefer that a particular board member NOT see your information, please email The Meetings Industry Fund with your request, which will be honored.