More than ever, The Meetings Industry Fund (MIF) needs your support and donations to provide financial assistance for the countless meetings industry employees that are incurring a financial crisis.

Please know funds are limited and MIF provides grants to those who have exhausted all resources. MIF redacts all personal information and confidentially reviews all grant applications, and works to assist all applicants as much as possible. 

Thank you for your contribution.

The Meetings Industry Fund Board of Directors

Do you know an industry colleague who is facing a crisis and has nowhere else to turn?

What if you lost your job and were unable to buy groceries until you got through the bureaucracy of government assistance to help out?

Or were diagnosed with a serious medical illness and have exhausted all available resources to keep up with daily necessities?

What if you were unable to pay for a loved one’s funeral and have no other family members or friends to assist with cost?


When life takes an unexpected turn, The Meetings Industry Fund is there with an immediate lifeline. We provide confidential financial assistance to those individuals in crisis who are directly involved in the planning, execution, delivery and support of meetings.

We need your help to continue to give back and support our industry.

Any dollar amount donation provides tremendous help to someone in crisis.

Join the many showing their generosity and dedication in different ways. Together we make a bigger impact.